使用 steamship 构建第一个 AI 应用,这个应用其实就是根据表结构生成不同类型的实体类。


run: 就可以得到生成好的 python 代码

Below is the Python code for a Pydantic model based on the given SQL table:

from typing import Optional  
from pydantic import BaseModel  
from datetime import datetime  

class EDict(BaseModel):

id: int

create_by: Optional[str]

create_time: Optional[datetime]

update_by: Optional[str]

update_time: Optional[datetime]

code: str

name: Optional[str]

remark: Optional[str]

class Config:

orm_mode = True

> Please note that the Pydantic model is a simple data validation and serialization library for Python and it doesn't interact with databases directly. You will need an additional library such as SQLAlchemy for working with databases or implement your code to interact with your database. Additionally, if you are using a newer version of Pydantic, you may need to use the `Field` method for unique constraint and other validation options.



1.  https://www.steamship.com/ 注册账号,并且获得api-key
2.  安装streamship
pip install steamship
  1. 设置 api-key, 文件在~/.steamship.json json { "apiKey": "mykey" }
  2. 创建 python 项目,使用 pip 安装 streamship shell pip install streamship
  3. 创建第一个可以被外部调用的 API, 文件为 api.py ```python

from steamship import check_environment, RuntimeEnvironments, Steamship

from steamship.invocable import post, PackageService

class EntityGeneratePackage(PackageService):

PROMPT = "根据以下内容:{references},生成{language}基于{lib_name}实体类"


def generate(self, language: str, lib_name: str, references: str):

gpt4 = self.client.use_plugin("gpt-4")

task = gpt4.generate(text=self.PROMPT.format(language=language,

lib_name=lib_name, references=references))


return task.output.blocks[0].text

6.  部署
ship deploy

就这样子第一个调用 openai gpt4 的 AI 程序就完成了, 并且是接口可以访问的.

  1. 如果想用这个外部接口 steamship 也提供了非常方便的调用方式
from steamship import Steamship  

# Load the package instance stub.  
pkg = Steamship.use(  

# Invoke the method  
resp = pkg.invoke(  


  1. 这个程序很简单,不过 steamship 这个工具还不错,接口和部署都非常方便
  2. steamship 这个写本地函数,部署之后就暴露为 api 的方式不错,客户端调用方式也很简单,值的学习
  3. steamship 上面还有不少其他内容,都是刚刚开始,值的看看


